Handmade Glass, Jewellery & Art by Claire Morris, based in Staffordshire, UK

Hi and welcome to my website! I'm Claire and I am a glass artist and designer/maker living in Staffordshire in the UK. Rowanberry Designs is completely run by myself, from the making to the photos to the packing, so you will a friendly personable service - you are never just a number to me.

I have been a glass artist for 17 years now, I started off in lampwork/flameworked glass where I melt rods and slithers of glass using a specialist blowtorch into fine art beads. Over this time I have been blessed with having my work featured in both national and international books and magazines, and even had my work acquired by a glass museum! 

Unfortunately due to disability I have had to take a step back from lampwork and have  taken up kilnworked glass which I am really enjoying as a new medium, I'm particularly enjoying painting glass with enamels and the moment and working out how I can use printmaking techniques with glass. As well as glass I also make jewellery and have a passion for drawing, illustration and printmaking, and you will see the fruits of my work from time to time in the shop alongside the glass.

I’m based in the UK, which has an amazing amount of stunning scenery, myths, legends and history – this provides me with a great range of sources of inspiration, from mountains, to ancient forests and stone circles. I feel blessed to live in a land that is so rich in the Earth’s bounties and with such a deep and varied history.I am also a Pagan and environmentalist. 

My spirituality, pantheist beliefs, and love of nature and the earth play a big part in my inspiration. I LOVE following the "wheel of the year" being inspired by the nature around me as we progress through the seasons.There is always a lot of “me” in a piece of my work. I really do enjoy the artistic progress, following the flow from inspiration to creation to completion – I get such a buzz!
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